At Childers Woodgate Funeral Services, we understand the importance of providing families with comprehensive support during difficult times. That’s why we offer free downloadable eBooks to help you plan and organize a funeral service that honours your loved one’s wishes and legacy.

A Time to Plan eBook

In the event of the loss of a loved one, our “A Time to Plan” eBook serves as a valuable resource for recording essential information.

By documenting details about your loved one, you can assist family members in organising the funeral service according to their preferences. This proactive approach aims to alleviate the burden of making challenging decisions during a troubling time.

Remember, while a funeral is held primarily for the benefit of the bereaved, it also serves as an opportunity to honour and celebrate the life of the departed.

Your Story Booklet

“Your Story” is a booklet designed to capture the essence of your life and legacy.

By sharing your memories, experiences, and wisdom, you can leave behind a precious gift for your loved ones.

Your words hold immeasurable value and can provide comfort and solace to those who cherish your memory.

“Your Story” serves as a repository of a lifetime of memories, ensuring that your legacy lives on for generations to come.

Your Goodbye Booklet

“Your Goodbye” eBook offers a thoughtful way to prepare for the inevitable. By completing this booklet, you can express your wishes for your funeral service, allowing your family to bid farewell with dignity and purpose. This eBook serves as a guide for communicating your preferences, ensuring that your final farewell reflects your values and beliefs.

We invite you to download these free resources to aid you in planning and preparing for a funeral service that honours your loved one’s life and legacy. Should you require further assistance or guidance, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. We are here to support you every step of the way.